Board of Directors

Daniela Brod

Daniela Brod

Board Chair

Daniela is the Oregon state coordinator with the Citizens’ Climate Lobby and a former green infrastructure coordinator at the City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services. Daniela has experience with community outreach, environmental program management, climate policy and advocacy, lobbying, and municipal financing and budgeting of green infrastructure. She grew up on the Willamette and believes fervently that love of nature, clean air, and the land can bind us all in common purpose.

Peg Malloy

Peg Malloy

Board Treasurer

Peg is the Interim Executive Director of Community Housing Fund, a local loan fund financing affordable housing development. Prior to joining Community Housing Fund, Peg was the Executive Director of Portland Housing Center an organization she founded in 1991. The organization focuses on first time home buyers with an array of education services, financial counseling, IDA savings accounts, mortgage brokering, and second mortgage loans. During her tenure, upwards of 10,000, primarily low to moderate income households, utilized these resources and purchased their first home.

In her career, Peg worked in economic development positions for the City of Portland, at a neighborhood credit union in Portland, a local development corporation in East New York, a municipal corporation financing business expansion in New York City, and at the Seattle Housing Authority in affordable housing development.

Peg has a B.A. from University of Oregon and M.A. from the New School for Social Research in New York City. She attended Achieving Excellence at Harvard University and also Women in Power which led to fundraising for a girls school in Rwanda in an area hard hit by the genocide She attended the school opening in 2008.

Tom Liptan

Tom Liptan

Board Secretary

Tom is a registered landscape architect and a retired environmental specialist for the City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services. Liptan has assisted numerous municipalities, developers, consultants, multi-state corporations and government agencies with acceptance of ecoroofs and other landscape approaches used for stormwater management and healthy city development. His leadership on ecoroofs and green streets has also had an international impact. He has lectured and published widely, and is the author of the 2017 book Sustainable Stormwater Management.

Mike Faha

Mike Faha

Board Member

Mike is a landscape architect and founder of GreenWorks. He is a LEED-accredited professional and member of the U.S. Green Building Council. Mike’s primary professional interest is in creating livable, sustainable communities that balance economic, ecological and social needs. Toward that end, Mike leads a diverse array of planning and design projects that integrate urban ecology and green development, on behalf of city and private corporate clients.

Steve Robertson

Steve Robertson

Board Member

Co-Owner & Lead Guide
Wild Latitudes LLC
Worldwide Nature Tours

Steve Robertson has spent his personal and professional life on a quest to experience and better understand the natural world. A life-long student of nature and avid environmental educator, Steve has shared his love of wilderness and zoology for over 40 years with literally hundreds of thousands of youth & adults.

Steve earned a Bachelor’s Degree in 1982 from OSU in Wildlife Science. In 1987 he began what would be a decade of work for OMSI. His first role was Marine Science Instructor at a residential site on the Oregon coast, later serving at the museum itself as the Manager of the Science Outreach program.

In 1998, Steve accepted the position of Education Director for the Audubon Society of Portland and served there until 2017. Over his 19 years at Audubon, Steve enhanced many of the organization’s existing programs and created many new ones, including the Explorador Program for Latino youth, the Alberta Nature Team for inner-city at-risk youth, and the International Ecotour Program. 

Steve left Portland Audubon in 2017 to co-create Wild Latitudes Worldwide Nature Tours, which has since led trips to over 30 countries, spanning six continents. Most importantly to Steve, each tour makes significant contributions to local conservation efforts within the country being visited, and a donation in each participant’s name is made to the Rainforest Trust, who then purchases 25-50 acres of virgin Rainforest to be protected in perpetuity.

Amy Chomowicz

Amy Chomowicz

Board Member

Amy is a Principal Analyst with the City of Portland and has extensive experience restoring Portland’s watersheds. Amy also co-managed the City’s ecoroof program, served as the Columbia Slough Watershed Manager, and she currently manages restoration projects for the city. Amy is on the board of the Green Roof information Think-tank and is the Chair of the Urban Ecology Research Consortium.

Bob Wilson

Bob Wilson

Board Member

Bob’s path through nature in the city began with a stint on the Friends of Tryon Creek State Natural Area board. The journey continued in his long service on the board—and later staff—of the Portland Audubon Society, where his participation with the “Urban Naturalist” team cemented his particular interest on those edges where nature and human life come together. Currently he leads birding trips around town for various groups, serves as an officer of the Crystal Springs Partnership, and is delighted to be on the board of the Urban Greenspaces Institute.